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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Useful Safeguarding Links


  • Childline 08001111
  • Police Non-emergency 101
  • Police Emergency 999
  • NHS 111
  • Social Care Duty Desk County: 0116 3050005

  • Social Care Duty Desk Leicester City: 0116 4541004

  • Early Help queries: 0116 3058727

  • School Nurse Chat Health for parents/carers living in Leicester City: text 07520615381

  • School Nurse Chat Health service for parents/carers living in Leicestershire: text 07520615382

  • School Nurse Chat Health service for young people living in Leicester City: text 07520615386

  • School Nurse Chat Health service for young people living in Leicestershire: text 07520615387

  • Relate: 0300 0030396 relate.org.uk

  • Text the Young Minds Crisis Messenger, for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.
  • If you need urgent help text YM to 85258

 Online radicalisation and extremism - Childnet

Please click the link below to be taken to the 'online radicalisation and extremism' article found on the Childnet website. 

Click Here


You can speak to any member of staff if something is worrying/ concerning you about yourself or someone else. The South Wigston Hear to Help Box enables students to speak out if they have a worry or a concern.

Online Counselling Service for Young People

Young MindsMindNSPCC

Mental Health Support


Young Carers

Sidekick is a confidential helpline for young carers in the UK,  aged 13 to 18 - and up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 

Opening hours (mainly in school time but some evenings too): Monday - 9.30 am to 7.30 pm, Tuesday - 9.30 am to 4.30 pm, Wednesday - 9.30 am to 4.30 pm, Thursday - 12.30 pm to 7.30 pm, Friday - 9.30 am to 4 pm.

Text 07888 868 059

Email: sidekick@actionforchildren.org.uk 

Further details here: https://sidekick.actionforchildren.org.uk/ 

Support for Parents and Carers

Unsure where to start? An introduction to "Asking The Awkward" helps you to prepare for regular conversations with your child about online relationships and related topics. It also offers advice on how to keep conversations positive and what to do if your child tells you something that worries you. Click Here.

Worried about your child being in a gang?

NSPCC Gangs & Young People 

Worried about grooming?

NSPCC Grooming


Parents and carers should supervise the internet use of the young people in their care.

Here you can find helpful links with information and guides that are aimed at helping parents/carers understand what e-safety and cyberbullying are and what you can do to keep children safe online:

A guide to e-safety for parents and carers.



Further support and advice can be found at Thinkuknow 

Government advice:


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