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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Contact Details

At South Wigston High School we are dedicated to the success of our students in a safe and caring environment. Your feedback helps us to achieve this aim. 

If you think we have done something particularly well, this helps us to spread good practice, and encourages the staff involved. If you have concerns or suggestions about how we could do better, we welcome that feedback too. We will be happy to discuss the issues with you collaboratively and with an open mind, we will address them if it is in our power, and we will always give you a clear statement of our conclusions.


Please address all general enquiries to Lisa Coltman, Academy Operations Manager.

Contact your child's Form Tutor, Pastoral Tutor or Head of Year via our enquiries form.

Please always follow one of these routes in the first instance as this is the quickest and most effective way to deal with the matter.

Submit an enquiry

Sara Fletcher

Chair Governors

Kathy Julian 

Telephone: 0116 278 2388

All calls are recorded for safeguarding and monitoring purposes.

E-mail Address: swhs@southwigston.lwlat.org.uk

Academy Address

St Thomas Road
South Wigston
LE18 4TA 

Trust Central Office Address

Learning without Limits Academy Trust

c/o Lancaster Academy

Knighton Lane East



Company number: 10269535

Telephone: 0116 2746330
E-mail Address: info@lwlat.org.uk

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