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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Attendance & Punctuality

At South Wigston High School we believe that high attendance is a key factor in student well-being and exam success. We have an extensive support team in place to ensure every student at South Wigston High School has high attendance and is well supported through any difficulties they are facing. This support network extends to parents and carers.

It is clear that students who attend South Wigston well (96%+) will achieve better outcomes, do better in lessons, find it easier to make progress and feel happier about school. We want this for every student and know good attendance is fundamental to supporting our young people to meet their best possible outcome.

Senior Leader responsible for attendance: Mr. Kieran Hawketts. Please contact Mr. Hawketts at khawketts@southwigston.lwlat.org.uk, should there be any major challenges requiring attendance support.

Attendance Team (ID 1223)

Report an Absence

Education is a vital part of a child's development, and regular school attendance plays a crucial role in ensuring they receive a well-rounded education. However, should your child be unable to attend school for any reason, we ask that you make every effort to notify the school on the morning of any absence so we can record absence appropriately. Please do this by:

  • Phoning school before 08.45am - 0116 2782388
  • Submitting an absence using the Weduc App


Please refer to our attendance policy for details of our attendance strategies, interventions and expectations.

Below are some other links you may find useful that are related to our policy and provide other local sources of support and information regarding student attendance: 

Requests for term time leave of absence

  • These requests must be made in writing to Ms. Fletcher if the parent/carer believes there are exceptional circumstances that warrant a leave of absence (as per the government guidelines).
  • Each request will be considered individually and will take into account a number of factors.
  • All requests will be responded to in writing.
  • For more information on the Local Authority policies on fixed penalty notices for term time leave, please follow the relevant links above. 

Persistent and Severe Absence

Since 2015, the government have advised that Persistent Absence (PA) is when "a student enrolment’s overall absence equates to 10 per cent or more of their possible sessions." Therefore any student whose attendance is 90% or below is classified as Persistently Absent from school. 

Following new guidance from September 2022, Severe Absence (SA) has been defined as "those missing 50% or more of school".

Wellbeing Support

South Wigston High School are committed to the wellbeing of our students. This commitment can be seen in our strong pastoral support structures, our partnership with the school nursing service and links to external agencies.

We are pleased to share information about our partnership with an organisation called Service Six. 

This organisation consists of highly trained professionals who come into school and educate and work with students on various issues such as their wellbeing and self esteem, raising awareness of online safety, the dangers and signs of criminal exploitation, and they will talk to them about transferable life skills.

We are pleased to announce that Service Six are also working with us to include specific work supporting students with their mental health.

Click here to visit Service Six. 


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