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South Wigston High School

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust


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Member of staff

Mrs C. Seal: Curriculum Lead Maths
Mr M. Parry: Teacher of Maths
Mrs A. Pourkarimi: Teacher of Maths
Mr O. Hayes: Teacher of Maths/Head of Year
Ms S. Kooner: Teacher of Maths/Head of Year
Miss R. Melvin: Teacher of Maths/Head of Year
Mr M. Harries-Walker: Teacher of Maths/Intervention

GCSE Mathematics

For GCSE study we use the AQA exam board, linear specification 8300. This is a 2-tier specification with Foundation (Grade 1-5) being taught separately from Higher (Grade 4-9) and includes content based on:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Statistics
  • Probability

It is our aim that most students should attempt the Higher paper with sets being created to encourage as many students as possible to access its content. However, some groups have the opportunity of completing the Foundation tier if necessary.


Here at South Wigston High School, our intent is that students in Maths should be exposed to a knowledge-centred curriculum, where skills are built upon regularly to ensure they can master them and progress. Knowledge organisers are used alongside a basic skills quiz to ensure students in year 8-11 know where they are on their learning and attainment journey. These low stakes quizzes are tracked all year round, along with a half-termly assessment (for all years) which delves into deeper problem-solving questions linked to the topics covered so far that term. There is then time allocated to reteach any topics needed to help with the retrieval process of learning.

Learning Journey 

maths learning journey.pdf


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