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South Wigston High School

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Safeguarding Overview

At South Wigston High School we take our responsibility to safeguard, care for and nurture young people very seriously.

If you have any child protection concerns whilst the school is closed, please use one of the relevant helplines below or email: SWH-Safeguarding@southwigston.lwlat.org.uk

If you are concerned about the welfare of a student at the school please contact one of our designated safeguarding leads or social services.

South Wigston High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students as their fundamental right, irrespective of academic engagement and attainment. There is an expectation that all stakeholders, visiting professionals and volunteers share and promote this commitment to safeguarding and the welfare of every student.’ All students have the right to thrive and flourish in the knowledge that they are safe and supported by every adult in the building.’ We will challenge any member of the school community along with any visitor whose values are inconsistent with the Academy’s values.

School Holidays

If you have any concerns regarding the safety, health or well-being of a child who is a student at our Academy during the school holidays, or should you need to report a Safeguarding concern of an urgent nature outside of our opening hours/term time, please contact the Police on 999 or Duty and Assessment on (0116) 4541004.

Term Time

If you have any concerns regarding the safety and welfare of a child who is a student at South Wigston High School during term time, please fill out our safeguarding enquires form or contact the safeguarding team directly at SWH-Safeguarding@southwigston.lwlat.org.uk, e-mails are checked daily.

Should you need to report an urgent safeguarding concern please contact Children’s Social Care on 0116 4541004. For an emergency safeguarding concern please dial 999 or 101 and speak to the police directly. 


For professionals and safeguarding partners wishing to contact the school please email SWH-Safeguarding@southwigston.lwlat.org.uk

South Wigston High School Safeguarding Policy

Keeping Children Safe Online

Searching and Confiscation Procedure


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