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South Wigston High School

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust


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Member of staff

Mrs X. Parker: Curriculum Leader of English
Miss R. Mahil: Teacher of English
Mrs R. Mataria: Teacher of English
Miss N. Mewasvala: Teacher of English
Miss E. Smith: Teacher of English
Ms L. Twaddle: Teacher of English
Miss E. Potter: Teacher of English/Drama


The English Department’s intention is to consistently deliver lessons that are knowledge-rich, academically challenging, and culturally interesting.  

The curriculum is mapped and sequenced over five years. It is designed to develop memory and support the ability to recall knowledge acquired last week, last month, last year. 

At Key Stage Three, students benefit from learning a range of challenging texts that are sequenced to ensure literary progression. At Key Stage Four, we deliver GCSE AQA English Language (8700) and English Literature (8702) with the expectation that our students will fulfil their potential through focused study and deeper learning.  

All students benefit from lessons that are well-resourced and supported by a bedrock of broad and ambitious vocabulary that is tested weekly.  

Ultimately, we intend for our students to become confident, independent learners who share our love for English Literature and a deep interest in the power of the English Language. 

Learning Journey

english roadmap 24 25.pdf


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